The best of friends......

                          We brought home Chipper and Macy almost three years ago!  They are the sweetest dogs. I became an instant "dog" person......something I didn't think was in my power.  I didn't grow up with dogs.....and I liked them....but didn't find a need to have one.

                        Well......we didn't get one dog but two.  It has been one of the best decisions our family ever made!  They are part of our family and I love them.  They have been healing for us in so many aspects.....especially when I was helping with the care of my grandpa while he was terminally ill.  I would come home with a heavy heart and my dogs greeted me with love.  I would just sit and pet them......while my tears flowed.  As I have been praying for my friend this past week......these two have comforted me greatly.  I am so VERY grateful.

                                                           Please keep praying!



  1. I totally know what you mean! I swore I would never have a dog. Never thought I could handle it and now I don't know how I couldn't have a dog!


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