
Sharing dreams, hopes and prayers is what my sister and I have done as long as I can remember.  She is one person I can be "myself" with and accepts all my weaknesses. of her dreams has happened.....she has a thriving business that she created with one of her friends.  I want to shout out to the world about her accomplishments.  So.....please visit her website
.... read her story, shop, and enjoy the display of her beautiful work.  I am SO proud of her.  In fact.....if you leave a comment about how much you would like one of her special t-shirts.....I will enter you in a giveaway.  I will choose a random winner this Thursday January 12.  Once I have chosen a can email me the shirt size you would like.  

My adorable nieces........older sis...... modeling an oh-fiddlesticks t-shirt


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