Trusting God in Transitions
My husband and I have been attending a different church for the last year and have felt welcomed from the beginning. I felt a whisper from God a few weeks ago when our Pastor announced that a new Women's Bible Study would begin. The prayer group I had been involved in was transitioning and I knew it was time to try something new. Oh my heart thumped loud the first night there. I didn't know a soul. Isn't it funny how new situations take us right back to the first day of school "feelings"....or at least for me that is how I felt. After a lovely evening, I came home husband was encouraging. I couldn't put into words why I was crying.
- was I overwhelmed?
-were my expectations not met?
-maybe I was grieving my transition from my previous prayer group ending and stepping into
a new place where I wasn't known yet??
As I read the above questions.....oh my how they all point to my flesh.
Feelings should definitely be acknowledged but they shouldn't anchor us in despair or be the
cause of making important decisions.
I needed to ask the Lord about his thoughts and what I should do.
So as I prayed my way through this......the Lord so graciously led me right back to that Bible Study the next week and a feeling of peace and gratitude took over as I attended.
-I was grateful for the Study of 1 Timothy
-grateful for the beautiful worship songs
-grateful for the teachings
Now as I enter my last week of study.....I am reading over the personal growth area and amazed at how God has worked in the past few weeks.
As we grow and trust in HIM.....he makes our pathways straight.
What an honor to serve such a loving God who always has our best interest. We are his beloved and for this I give thanks.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him
and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6
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