Applesauce and Thankfulness

                  It was hard getting out of bed this morning.  My only outing planned was a trip to the dentist for an overdue cleaning. 

Parenting was difficult yesterday....and the reminders were sharp as I replayed the scenes in my head. Ugh!  How could I go from one moment of laughing with Neal in the car to snapping like a frayed wire. 

So...I did what my mama said...make a list just for today and don't look behind or ahead.  A list...that is something I CAN do quite well thank you very much.

We started with making applesauce.  My dear friend Mary brought me apples in abundance.....from her mama's tree.  

                    A plentiful mix of red and green

      Neal cored about 20 apples

      1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
      2 cups of water
      a couple of shakes of a small stevia packet

  mixed all together in our Crockpot and cooked on high for 6 hours

        Cinnamony (made up word) smell throughout the house! 

    A knock on the door from my neighbor.....Pumpkin Spice Latte!
         An unexpected gift is always the best.  Thank you.

 P.S.   Thankfully no cavities...always anxious about a clean mouth.
        My dental history is a blog entry of its own.

    Be grateful....Be Thankful.....even when I don't feel like it!



  1. That applesauce looks really yummy! And I have had those parenting days too. I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and unfortunately I did not get off cavity free. Ugh!

    I am grateful for God leading me to find so many wonderful ladies in blogland like you! :)

  2. So glad to see my mum's apples so well loved!
    Please know--you are one of the most amazing mothers I know! Don't let an occasional moment in time define you. I promise you that your kids will remember most the wonderful times making applesauce, or going to Disneyland, or crazy visits to the park ;-)

  3. Well, I guess those moments happen for all of us. Home schooling is hard! We went from a great day to me frustrated and snapping over fractions. Dern fractions. Hope that latte and the homemade applesauce helped!

  4. Your mom's advice is timeless. I need to remember that on those mornings that start off slow. Due to the pain from the day before.
    Your applesauce looks delicious and what a doll to drop by with Starbuck's for you! We are an hour away from any Starbuck's and am planning a trip next week! Just for the pumpkin spice latte!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    hugs. Trish

  5. Your mama has the right idea! Loved your list! And can I be friends with your neighbor?

  6. kids and I make applesauce in the crockpot every year. We haven't done it yet this year - thanks for the reminder. I love the cinnamony (that's a great word!) smell through the house!

  7. we have company coming for a couple of days, and this is already in the crockpot this morning-can't wait to try it. Thanks!

  8. Wow, that looks so delicious and easy! I spied your Susan Branch book behind the apples. Love her books! Did you know she has a blog?! Glad you're back in blogland.


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