
We have decided to homeschool this year for several reasons.  My son asked for this at the end of last year.  He had been at our local public school since Kindergarten.  For the most part, he had a positive experience.  However, there were may days he didn't want to attend school and anxiety about going would build.  A few years ago we tried to homeschool but it didn't work out at the time.  However, now being a month into our plan....he seems to be doing really well.  He thanks me all the time for having him at home.  I can't imagine not doing this.  He would have entered our local middle school since he is in 6th grade.  This just did not seem the best match for him.  I am thankful I can stay home to be his guide, teacher, learning coach but most of all his Mom.

My daughter went to her first day of high school as 9th grader and came home so upset.  After a few days of prayer and asking for discernment.....we have decided the best place for her this year is home, as well. This was a surprise to me yet I am so happy about this decision. I know that it is an adjustment for her. I think she just needed to quiet some noise around her.

My kids are on two different paths for learning this year. Kate has chosen an online public school and can work at her own pace but is also held accountable for her progress.  I serve as her learning coach.  For now, this seems to be working for her. She has to connect a couple of times a day but if for some reason she can't then she can watch the recording at her convenience. This is helpful as we plan to travel as much as we can this school year.

Neal is registered with a private school that takes care of all the paper work and we check in every few weeks with our progress.  This allows us to plan our own curriculum that works for his learning style.  Being a former teacher, I have ways I like to teach.  However, I am quickly reminded that this is my son and I am training him in not only academics but life skills.  He has many interests and I need to include these in our learning time.  

For now, I will call our style eclectic homeschooling. We have a "rough" schedule.  I am a planner and if I didn't have some sort of organization I would be pulling my hair out.  I will write more about our daily life in another post.

Here is one little shelf in our school room.  It makes me happy for many reasons.  This shelf (that needs a bright paint color) was in my son's nursery.  I made sure that both my kids had their own bookshelf from the beginning.  It now houses his school supplies and books.  However, thankfully my son still enjoys picture books....and so do I.  He chooses many non-fiction picture books from the library and we have learned so much just reading through them.  I feel strongly that the best learning is through reading books and especially together.  More on this later.

As we have just completed our first month at home, I am soaking in so much information and researching other blogs about homeschooling.
This makes me return to my long, lost blog.  I hope to revive this
little space so I can bless others as so many bloggers have blessed me.



  1. Hi Jen! :) :) You are the winner of the favorite things giveaway on my blog! Email me at to work out the details :)

  2. I like reading about your school journey! Please keep sharing! :)


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