Letter M


                               Memory Monday
I will continue to memorize Psalm 46

 Magnificent, Marvelous, and Majestic

this describes a weekend getaway with a dear friend.
read Magazines, ate delicious food, shopped, talked, laughed. 
so healing for Mommies to do this once in a while!

Meal Planning

i need some advice for this...I need MOTIVATION.
if you have any ideas.....please share!




  1. It was all of the above, and then some!!! Can we go again this weekend? So, how does Jeremy fit in the 'M' theme? Maybe... Memorable? Tried explaining to hubby, and he chuckled, but just didn't get the full effect, as expected.
    As for meal planning, you know I live for allrecipes.com and my "bible/binder" of magazine clipped recipes. I sit down with those, and look at the Stater's ad for sales. I also try asking the family for ideas. Sorry, that's all I got!
    Loads of hugs,

  2. Cute cute heart header.....I love all the unique blog headers and yours is so great....

    Love finding your blog

  3. So glad you got away this weekend! I am planning a trip to the Brimfield Antique Show with a girlfriend in May~ I can't wait! Meal planning~argh! That is a weak spot for me because my girls are 3 and 1 1/2 and I have a picky husband too!


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